Bollhalder + Eberle AG

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Bollhalder + Eberle AG


Bollhalder Eberle Architektur

The work of Bollhalder Eberle Architecture is characterized by an intensive preoccupation with architecture in different scales and typologies. Urban planning, social and ecological considerations are perceived as the basis of all architectural activity. Much attention is paid to the architectural tradition of the architectural competition - a large number of the building projects result from such competitions. Bollhalder Eberle Architektur is engaged in the preparation of concept and feasibility studies, architectural competitions and study commissions in the fields of architecture and urban planning. Consultations with clients are as much a part of the office's competencies as complete project planning, execution planning as well as cost management up to and including construction management. If desired, the overall responsibility as general planner can be taken over.


Die Anschrift:
Feldlistrasse 31A, 9000 St. Gallen




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