Cyber Crime Victims Union CC-VU

Geschäftsprofil: Kontaktinformationen, Kundenbewertungen, Bewertung und Akkreditierung, Kundenbeschwerden, Geschäftsdetails


Cyber Crime Victims Union CC-VU


Entry page - CyberCrime Victims Union (CC-VU)

CCVU is a non-profit union, and official wing of the non-profit Swiss Association: International Security Association - ISA.

Main mission of CCVU is to support internet users with knowledge in order to not be the next victims and to support the victims of cybercrime.
Cyberbullying, online scams, fishing, identity theft, and more are some of the crimes we fight by empowering people with knowledge.
Currently CCVU runs projects in many countries around the world, providing information and support to Governmental and Municipal Authorities, creating an open communication line with victims and non-victims.


Die Anschrift:
Im Holland 5, 5323 Rietheim



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